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Jasmin's Fitness Journey: Chapter 9 - Can Ordinary Inspire: My Inspirational 30 Interview with J

Jasmin and Jeff Gardiner on set Inspirational 30

My fitness journey on a public platform so far has been unbelievable! I could not have anticipated the fanTABulous family gained, stories shared and experiences encountered. When I started blogging for BodyNetix eight months ago, I never thought others would find my journey interesting enough to keep following, and even further, join me. To my surprise, I still meet people who let me know the inspiration I have ignited within them to work towards being the best version of themselves. Even more touching is to hear them live by my mantra to 'never give up' and most importantly not beat themselves up especially when impulse choices happen that are not in line with the goals they striving to accomplish.

Then, just recently, I was presented with an extraordinary opportunity to share and inspire to an even wider audience on a Nanaimo talk show that showcases Vancouver Island individuals who have in their own ways inspired others. The talk show is called Inspirational 30 and it is hosted by Jim Gardiner who identifies himself as a father, husband, athlete, actor, coach, trainer, motivational speaker and ordinary guy on a mission to find his true self by helping and inspiring others. Jim was contacted by a special BodyNetix family member who has been part of my journey and thought it worthy enough to be shared on a grander scale. I was beside myself when I was approached by the director to consider being a guest on season 2, and am so honoured to be inducted into such a remarkable group of inspiring people. You really should check out his website and see the remarkable folks who have succeeded when the odds were against them and the determination they maintain to keep on pushing.

Jim had requested that we meet so he could get to know me and find out more details of my journey. After that meeting it really started to sink in. I was going to go on a talk show and let someone ask me unscripted questions all about me. Not about the volunteer work I do or the details of workout classes I attend, but about my personal challenges, mentality and everyday choices. I started to think "this is crazy, what am I thinking?!?" So, after a slight panic attack over what I had just signed myself up for, I shifted my focus on why I was even willing to publically share my fitness journey on the BodyNetix blog in the first place. The blog has required me to post pictures of myself at my lowest point in life, and share my most personal struggles that for the longest time I could not even face. But I knew I wanted to become an open book and not hide behind the perception of what I wanted others to believe about me. Through this experience I am now able to take accountability of my life style choices, while sharing my story with hope to help and inspire others to take charge of their life. I know, firsthand, that lifestyle changes are not easy, and to commit to being the best version of you is a lot easier said than done. But I am a true believer in strength in numbers, so it was time to put every ounce of myself out there and make it my mission to help as many people as possible.

So, here is what I ask of YOU. Please watch and share the links below with as many people as possible, it can be on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter – whatever your preference. As this interview is not about me, it is about helping people change their lifestyle to empower a long healthy, beautiful life filled with positivity, happiness and self-worth. With your support, if I can inspire at least one person to change their life for the better this would make mission absolutely worth it.

Thank you so much for your continued support!

Jasmin <3

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