Jasmin's Fitness Journey: Chapter 5 - Exciting News!

I have news to share that I cannot contain anymore... I am pregnant!!!
I am almost four months pregnant, and it has been quite interesting for the past while because by workout buddies are used to me constantly pushing my limits. Yet, I have been holding back and lightening my weights, all the while passing it off as being injured. The December challenge was different because I only participated for fun and did not challenge the fitness test.
Stephen and I have been together for almost 16 years. We started out as high school sweethearts, grew into adulthood together and once we established ourselves in life, got married. We have experienced many adventures together and now we begin the biggest, most exciting adventure to date: having a baby!
I must admit this is the most fanTABulous and emotional blog post I have written. This news is much more than the beginning of the next stage in our lives; it also marks my momentous health triumph.
Let me take you back, I originally was selected by BodyNetix for a yearlong fitness challenge in June of 2014. My submission described high health risks I was facing including diabetes, heart disease, and inability to have children. The most devastating was being told I may never be able to have a child. To be honest, this realization almost broke me as a woman. To think the most important life goal my best friend ever wanted and there was a chance I could not make it happen all because I choose not to take care of myself. My doctor attributed these health risks to my lifestyle choices that resulted in being obese. To hear these facts was hard enough, but then to face reality and become accountable and on such a public platform; this was a true test of my character!
The scariest facts I learned about the combination of pregnancy and obesity was the baby has a higher risk for still birth and a variety of abnormalities. I quickly realized continuing lifestyle choices that resulted in being overweight was very selfish. If a healthy family was truly what I wanted, then it was crucial I started making choices to better my overall wellbeing.
For the past two years and seven months I have been working hard at establishing and maintaining a workout routine and making more healthy food choices. I am not going to lie, there is nothing easy about this journey, but is anything worthwhile ever achieved without hard work? At least at BodyNetix I can diversify my training to include cardio and core, strength and stretch; this approach has enabled me to get a full body and mind workout without getting bored. I know I have emphasized this before, but it is also the importance of the family of trainers and members who make the classes fun and conquering challenges together so satisfying. So, even though the “hard work” is inevitable, I have discovered a system that works for me and is empowers me to commit.
I believe, and my doctors agree, my new lifestyle filled with movement and real food is the contributing factor for the positive turn in my health. First, I did it, I become pregnant. Second, as soon as this happened my doctor sent me for blood work to test everything under the sun in regards to my health, and all of my results came back positively healthy! This confirms my commitment to fitness fully marks my momentous health triumph.
As scary as it was to publicly put myself out there back in July of 2014, it has been the best, most meaningful experience ever sharing this journey with each of YOU. BodyNetix truly saved my life!
Thank you again for supporting and joining me on our health journey. This is a success I will hold near and dear to my heart, and look forward to crushing more goals together!
Jasmin <3