Jasmin's Fitness Journey: Chapter 3 - Encouraging and Succeeding

What are the key factors for attaining success at BodyNetix? For me it is simple, it is the people! BodyNetix is more than just a fitness facility, it is a family.
First and Foremost, the BodyNetix family includes our fanTABulous trainers who are so well educated and experienced in all things health and fitness. It does not matter if you are injured, they have a workout modification that will fit your needs and help you rehabilitate from your injury. If you have a mental block (for me, it used to be was jumping with both feet) they have action plans to help you conquer those fears. If you are not fully in it or feeling unsure, they are attentive to help you correct your form to avoid injury and build strength. We are so fortunate to have trainers who are there because they are passionate, they care and, most importantly, they want to help each of us reach and exceed our goals. Thank you ladies for training and inspiring us to be the best and strongest version of ourselves!
Then there are all the members (yes that means YOU!) Back in 2014 when I was first selected for the year-long fitness challenge I went to my first Fitcamp, looked in the window and right away I seriously regretted applying. What I saw were already super fit people, and right away I thought, "what am I doing?!" But I put aside my insecurities and went on in. I was quite surprised, everyone could tell I was new, but instead of making me feel like an outsider they sent smiles my way, and a few even introduced themselves. It was a nice way to start my first Fitcamp. But, then came the warmup… I truly believed I was going to pass out on the floor after the warmup! Some members could tell I was struggling and came up to me and started sharing their first-time experiences. Their stories did not fix the fact that I could barely breath and had the rest of the class to get through, but it was a very nice welcome and it reassured me that everyone starts somewhere. Every class since then has been just as inclusive. I have made so many meaningful friendships and belong to the strongest, most electrifying motivational group I could have ever asked for!
And finally there's the 21-Day Challenge! The December challenge is particularly enticing because is it offers the biggest prize to date; a 6-month membership, and I hear there are a few extra surprises as well! There are already so many rewarding reasons to sign up for this challenge, but this is just the icing on the cake - or should I say avocado on the rice cake with tomato and feta?
I encourage you to sign up for this challenge if you want to: 1) Improve your lifestyle choices. 2) Improve your fitness level. 3) Gain 1 & 2 while most importantly having the MOST. FUN. EVER! It’s no joke, each day is filled with so many of our peers striving for the same goal. It doesn’t matter if you are a super-charged black belt fighter, or new to moving your body, everyone goes at their own pace and supports one another while having a laugh. In addition to 21 days of awesome BodyNetix workouts, you will get tips on nutrition and meal planning. Because who are we kidding? You cannot eat deep fried chicken every day and complete 21 hours of fitness and expect results. It takes commitment, and let me tell you from my own experience with so many other people with the same goal, it is tremendously easier to commit within this group of go-getter’s. So, get in on the action, I promise you won’t regret it! Here are my before and after's from the previous 21-Day Challenges!
February 2016

May 2016

September 2016

I do whole heartedly consider the BodyNetix trainers and members my family because we struggle together, even complain together, but in the end we celebrate our successes and crush goals together! I am fully aware that my hard work and commitment has also played a role in my journey, but if it were not for the people I would not have come this far and maintained my determination to continue to succeed. Yell it form the rooftops! "BodyNetix is for everyone at every age and every fitness level!"
Jasmin <3