Healthy Tips For A Guilt-Free Holiday Weekend, BodyNetix Style.

Who’s diving into a giant, delicious Thanksgiving dinner this weekend? *throws hand up like an overly-eager kid in a classroom* Are you the chef? Or maybe a lucky guest? Either way, we know tons of people (including us) who stress over big dinners like Thanksgiving. We tend to eat and drink too much. And exercise? Forget it, we're way too busy. We're betting this sounds all too familiar for almost everybody. Well, we want you to stress less and move more so you feel fantastic over the holiday! So, here are a few tips to help you enjoy a healthier Thanksgiving this year:
1. Food Prep, Stress Less
Prepping for these large dinners will have you zipping through the day like you're going 150 km/h. So try doing as much prep as possible the night before to take the strain off living in the kitchen on the day of the big dinner. Wash and cut veggies the night before, even pre peel the potatoes, chop the onions and keep them in the fridge. Anything that will make your life easier and more efficient! This will also leave you with less mess to clean up on the night of your Thanksgiving dinner!
2. Don’t Skip Your Breakfast!
Just because you’re preparing for a larger evening meal doesn’t mean you should skip breakfast. Start your day with a healthy meal containing protein, carbs and healthy fats. Fuelling properly throughout the day will make you less likely to over indulge later on, and will put less strain on your body. Otherwise, hello food coma!
3. Break the Mould
Instead of traditional side dishes, try something new! Grab a different set of greens and create a new dish. Go for root vegetables Instead of regular potatoes, or use wild rice instead of bread stuffing. For dessert, there are many healthier options than a good ol' sugar loaded pumpkin pie. Try Megan P’s Dairy-Free Pumpkin Pie, or Healthy Pumpkin Mousse!

Another way to break the mould is to think outside the box! If you’re a guest at a friend's or family member's house for Thanksgiving dinner, ask to bring a dish, and make it healthy!
4. Make Time to Move

If you followed tip number one, then you’ve likely created some extra time in your day to exercise or get some fresh air! A nice walk before or after dinner, or maybe a quick workout? 15 or 20 minutes can make a world of difference!
Bonus: Here’s a BodyNetix-style workout you can do at home if the mood strikes, and it only takes 15 minutes! You’ve got 15 minutes, right?
Hopefully these tips will reduce your stress levels and help you feel a little bit better before, during, and after your holiday weekend!