Jasmin's Fitness Journey: Chapter 1 - My FanTABulous Introduction!

Hello! My name is Jasmin, and this is my BodyNetix fitness blog! My purpose is to share my ongoing journey starting out as an extremely unfit individual, and the life style choices I am still learning to become healthy and strong. Please join me as we will share goals, struggles and meal ideas to motivate and inspire each other to be the best we can be! Let’s support one another and have some fanTABulous fitness FUN!
Let me tell you a bit about myself and how I started at BodyNetix. In June 2014, BodyNetix offered a generous opportunity for two individuals to complete a yearlong fitness challenge. All that was required was a submission of who I was and why I wanted to be part of such a life changing opportunity. I must admit it was a very scary thing to do… To expose my vulnerabilities and insecurities in such a public way (especially when I present myself as a confident woman). The community response after this submission went public was astonishing! Family, friends and acquaintances were very surprised to learn about these internal struggles, and ensured me they were going to be by my side every step of this journey. I even had strangers approach me and share their struggles and optimism that they too can make changes to better their lives. This was a very empowering moment in my life as it made me realize that I can help myself and others. This has been my biggest inspiration for continuing my fitness journey.
Here is the submission that saved my life… THANK YOU BodyNetix for choosing me, I am forever grateful for your generosity and love for our beautiful community.
My name is Jasmin I am 30 years old, five foot three and 250 plus pounds. My doctor has told me that my obesity puts me at high risk of diabetes, heart disease and death. I had a serious health scare in January 2013 that resulted in being premarked for multiple sclerosis. Most of my body fat is around my tummy, the most dangerous place. I have arm fat that wiggles for days and a bottom big enough for two.
At my current weight I find it hard do simple things like put my socks on, do daily chores and go for a walk with my fiancé and two dogs. It’s frustrating to look into the mirror, as I get so disgusted with how I let my health get so out of hand. I have tried going to a gym before, but quit because I hurt myself and being embarrassed from not knowing what I am doing.
I have been with my partner for over 13 years, and he proposed to me this past March. Our wedding is happening October 2015. I know he loves me for who I am, but it would be nice to show him that I am committed to living a long healthy life with him. We really want to start a family, but my doctor recently told us that it would not be a good idea considering my current physique. I struggle with this, as I feel like such a disappointment to my partner for not being healthy enough to have a child.
I have been fat my whole life, and almost all of my family members are overweight or obese…guess I figured that I can be no different. However, this opportunity that you are offering can change my life. I know I have the motivation and commitment, just lacking the resources and knowledge to have any positive results. I am sick of living in this body, and would appreciate an opportunity to do better for myself. Please consider me for one of the two sponsorship positions.
Before Picture: June 2014.

Since the yearlong fitness challenge ended in May 2015 I have become somewhat addicted to training at BodyNetix. I have increased the frequency and intensity of my workout regime and have learned so much about training, form and dietary choices that have enabled me to continue to become better, faster and stronger. I won’t lie…it has taken a lot of hard work and commitment, but when you feel as fanTABulous as I do both mentally and physically you just want to keep going and pushing your boundaries.
Upcoming event: 21-Day Challenge starting September 14, 2016
These challenges are the best opportunities for pushing your limits, training with a group of people who are after the same goal and achieving results! Below you can see my progress after each of the challenges I’ve completed. Sign up and you will see firsthand how amazing and supportive the BodyNetix family truly is. I am signed up and YOU should too… I promise it will be the best, the sweatiest, the most FUN you will have and to top it all off you will finish with results and feeling fanTABulous!
21-Day Challenge: February 2016
21-Day Challenge: May 2016
Please check out my monthly blog to follow my fitness journey, keep tabs on what’s going on at BodyNetix and gain motivation to make your goals a reality.
Jasmin <3 <3 <3